Same lo but with more girly colours and the little flowers, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and take loads of pictures. These are precious times with your "little Bunnies", boys and girls as they grow up so fast, the memories will be wonderful both for you and them. Grannies, get snapping too, sometimes we oldies 'see' from a different perspective and the resulting photos are a different slant on life.
I decided this year not to indulge in a chocolate egg, when I heard on the news that in Ireland there will be 14 tons of chocolate/eggs consumed over Easter!!! This is a small country of just over 4 million people - I'm not even going to try working out how much each. Anyway I'm already trying to lose the flab gained from my Mother's day chocs. so this year I'm going to be GOOD. here is the link: http://www.4shared.com/file/95326603/5836e5e3/GLO_Easterbunnygirl_QP.html LINK EXPIRED