TWINS!!!. I want to thank the girls who gave me these awards, Kim from "
Kim's Scrappin" and Jessica from
Scrapaholic designs. They both said very nice things about me on their blogs (which I'm not sure I deserve) but I am very grateful to both of them for this - Hm! Now I will have to find five or six unsuspecting victims (sorry, recipients) to pass them on to. I was going to name
Fran but I see she has one as well, how did I get two ? Is there anyone out there who has not been awarded something, or tagged a million times!!!???
Anyone want an award, It's a lovely little thing and a credit to whoever designed it, (you don't want it back by any chance do you) Oh s***
June from cens loft has one as well, in fact everyone I know has one!
Anyway, I am passing on this COOL award to five beautiful people and these are the rules :
1. Winner can put award on their blog.
2. Link to the person who gave you the award.
3. Nominate 5 more blogs you think deserve the award.
4. Put links to those blogs on your site
5. leave a message on the blogs you nominate.
Number One on my list is
Fran, because she really deserves an award for her sweet temper!! and her ability to cope with pirates! As you all know I adore Fran's work, she has the most wonderful imagination and her freebie kits inspired by nature are - Frantastic !
Next up is June from
Cens Loft who is tripping over awards, but I know she will graciously accept this one too! June is just the nicest, most helpful woman in digiland. Hugs June.
Next is the lovely
Linda who makes the most gorgeous brag book pages and let's off steam to me in mutual ranting emails Lol.
Give it up for
lizandherbabes who has three adorable kids aaaaaand a hunk of a hubby, she is an inspiration to me with an amazing ability to cram so much into her young life.
KRISG-JUST ME is getting this award too, well I love her taste in music and cats! she also does beautiful lo's and sends me really funny emails. You make me smile Kris!
My final award goes to.....
dnadryad, who gives great freebies and never gets grumpy - just like me!
WOW that wasn't so bad, but I will now go into hiding before the posse catches up with me.