Hope you like this new QP. A little different but that's me LOL. I can't believe it's so near to Christmas & I haven't done a thing yet, not even the Christmas tree and that's BAD. I'll just have to get organised and try to get the seasonal spirit going. I have been working at my design work though and the 'Holiday QP' work sneaked in there. I have a few others too so I might be putting some more up before Christmas. Well that's it for now, I think I'll grab the hubby away from his piano and go looking for a nice big tree, see ya!
Oh, I almost forgot. On the preview you can see "your text here" next to the three bauble frames. I have included the text layers in the download folder as a tiff file, along with an info layer in case you need it. If you need any help just contact me. SORRY Download EXPIRED
5 Dec 2009
7 Nov 2009
NEW FREEBIE QP 'Student days'
Here is my latest freebie gift to you. The papers are from a school-days kit I have been working on recently. I was making something entirely different when my mind began to wander - a regular occurrence these days LOL - anyway, what I was making at the time was a photo layout for one of my friends so she could scrap - not literally - her not so little boy. He's past that stage now, not a baby or a toddler but a real BOY and you will all know what that means, the beginning of a mother's grey hair and wrinkles! However many smiles they bring to your face there are just as many heart stopping moments (boys tend to experiment, they have an inner urge to know how 'things' work) Things including electric stuff & pyrotechnics. For any reader who is blissfully unaware, "Pyrotechnics is the science of materials capable of undergoing self-contained and self-sustained exothermic chemical reactions for the production of heat, light, gas, smoke and/or sound."
How do I know all that you think. Simple, I learned it from the Friendly insurance guy who came to tell me I couldn't claim for my scorched/burned/melted kitchen flooring. I tried to tell him it was an accident, he wouldn't hear of it. I stood my 8 year old blond/blue eyed (angel) in front of him and pointed to the melting plastic airplanes which were dangling on strings from the kitchen ceiling. Did he really think this child would deliberately try to burn the house down?
Well, yes he did, in a sort of a way, He said I could only claim for accidental damage, so technically, by lighting a plastic airplane with SAFETY???? matches my little demon had intended arson! Aaaagh!!
That was a long time ago, the first of my grey hairs and of many failed experiments multiplied by three! But my boys, well I wouldn't have changed them for the world. Oh and by the way, the blond/blue eyed angel, having been steered in the right direction (anywhere that didn't involve matches) is now a successful architect who never forgets mother's day. Love ya Gary. Now what was I saying....... Oh yes, the new freebie, for your young (or once upon a time young) scientists/students. I hope you have lots of wonderful memories when choosing your pics. http://www.4shared.com/file/147989594/38606c1f/GLO_Student_days_QP.html
21 Oct 2009
Here are some metal BOYZONE nameplates I had ready to give as a freebie. They are part of a series I have ready for the next few weeks. As a long time fan of the band (OK OK I know I'm OLD but I'm still alive LOL Ahem! ) anyway, I was delighted when they reformed and was looking forward to seeing them in concert again. Words can't express my sadness at the tragic death of Stephen who was the sweetest young man and I can only imagine the heartbreak his family and his "brothers" in the band are feeling. I was going to put this little gift away but I decided to go ahead with it as a small tribute from me. I know there are many fans (young and OLD) who will have lots of pictures and memories and I hope these little name plates will enhance your Boyzone LOs, of course I would love to see your finished pages and I will publish the best. My preview LO here is not included in the freebie but
there are many many pics on the net for you to see. download here BOYZONE SORRY DOWNLOAD EXPIRED
7 Oct 2009

Well, it wasn't the answer Europe wanted so they made us vote again. The goal of a United States of Europe has almost been attained. Global World - THE NEW WORLD ORDER ... it's well on it's way.
Talking about green faced witches and monsters these are my Halloween QPs. I'm re-issuing them as they were very popular last year and some of you sent me the cutest pics especially the wonderfully talented Fran.
I hope you get as much fun this year, I know times are difficult at the moment for all of us except the W (tut tut Gabrielle) - Bankers! lol. so I hope my little gift will make you and yours smile. There are four downloads below, enjoy and don't forget a little thank you or a big HUG.
5 Oct 2009
Here are some new freebies for you.
I made them long so you can use them as book-marks or chic tags. They are stamped on to my linen paper and have matching gems in the flowers.
I made them long so you can use them as book-marks or chic tags. They are stamped on to my linen paper and have matching gems in the flowers.
They should print out easily as they are 300 dpi. As you see in the preview there are four greetings,
"Thank You"
"Happy Birthday"
"Thinking of You" and
"Wishing You GOOD LUCK in your New Home" The background paper is not included
When I make my own bookmarks I print on to light weight card and use a toning paper cut to size stuck on the back, if you use a laminating machine they will be gorgeous & last as long as you want them to. I usually punch the hole and tie a little cord through it.
Last Christmas I made some instead of cards, as I gave books for presents I just put the bookmarks inside. My friends said they loved them so I think I'll do the same again this year. Download below, Enjoy, and don't forget the TY
http://www.4shared.com/file/137792002/dca47650/Bookmark_Tags_Freebie.html EXPIRED
http://www.4shared.com/file/137792002/dca47650/Bookmark_Tags_Freebie.html EXPIRED
25 Sept 2009
This is a nice little mini kit I thought you would like.

It has three toning papers and nine elements. I named it "School Days" when I started it a few months ago, but the folder will say 'School Holidays Over' !!!! My oh MY doesn't time fly, and I can't believe I saw halloween stuff in the shops already.
I hope you get some use out of this kit, the colours will suit the boys (you know I love them) and they are soft enough for the girls too with the little flowers. Try the "cloudy Flower cluster" it's slightly see through, also the cute "Beautiful Dreamer butterfly" will add a splash of colour. For your little star I made the "Star Pupil" badge so all you need is a picture. Oh yes, the little 'brushy flowers' they look nice scattered over the page at random in different sizes. Don't forget to let me see what you do and if you have time please leave a comment on this page or the download, it is appreciated. Gabrielle
http://www.4shared.com/file/135352157/1985a293/SCHOOL_HOLIDAYS_OVER.html EXPIRED
22 Sept 2009
This is a new QP freebie I call Sssh....

Since my husband became ill last year I have spent less and less time blogging and even less time creating so this quick page has taken me quite a while. I made the kit in the spring of this year, I called it "Pretty" because of the softness, textures and colours of the papers and the elements and of course I decided it would be an ideal kit for babies - boy or girl. Download at bottom of post
About 2 years ago (it seems such long time now) I described myself as a 'mopper upper' to a friend. She hadn't a clue what I meant so I explained about digital freebies. At that time I had no knowledge of how to use Photoshop or any other digital software but I was a dab hand with scissors & glue and had a mountain of very expensive papers, sticky on things, beads, buttons ribbons... (have you time for this?)
What I mean is I did a lot of 'scrapbooking' and hand craft, it was my way to relax.
One day I looked at the pile of boxes and folders of STUFF and realised I would never live long enough to use it so looking for places I could donate my stash to I googled scrapbooking into my computer and suddenly I found a world of digital heaven... and all of it FREE! Thats where 'Mopper Upper' came in.
For a while I downloaded every freebie in the entire world - well.. maybe not EVERY freebie but close. I was like a junkie, I think it was a reaction to all the money I spent on the real stuff. When my crazy period subsided I took time to look at some of the blogs and read them, I discovered lovely and clever people, 99% of them women and so generous with their time and talent, people like my dear friend Fran at Imagine. My very sweet June (cen's Loft) who always has time to help me, Linda at 'Linda's Lot' Kim from Kim's Scrappin Pam Lefors, Kimbsdesigns, dnadryad , kalina and so many more - these are just a very few of the wonderful, wonderfully talented women who share.
I decided to learn and be part of that experience. It has taken me a while but I hope I can go on improving and sharing with anyone who wants my work. Just one thing... (you didn't think you were going to get away without a lecture did you?) Please say THANK YOU, it's one word but shows you respect what we give. Enjoy your download and do let me see the results of your work. Over and out! Gabrielle
http://www.4shared.com/file/134534158/533ffdd7/GLO_Sssh_QP.html LINK EXPIRED
Ps, thanks for the comments, the counter shows 0 but more are visible and the rest are LOST
15 Jun 2009
Buster aka Garfield "Don't leave me"

we rescued this big furry monster a couple of years ago when he was a cute purring little angel. He hates me to go out in the car without him so the other day when I distracted him and leapt into the car, I thought it would be a simple get-a-way! Not a chance, he launched himself on to the bonnet and then spread himself over the windscreen - (a considerable spread as you can see)
I started the engine - he tried the big shrek eyes and the the roll onto his back. I reversed a bit - he licked the windscreen!!!
What can you do ? this guy rides around the fields with local farmers and sits on top of the trailers with the workers. He knows no fear (apart from when we brought him to the vet to curtail his oats farming if you know what I mean).
I let him in, he sat on the front passenger seat and purred away to the radio.
Buster aka Garfield.
8 Jun 2009
This is a new QP freebie for Father's Day.
I thought of the old song "Thank heaven for little girls" and realised a lot of little girls (and boys) should 'thank heaven' for their dads every day. This is my tribute to those fathers who get a little forgotten sometimes! Enjoy and please send me a copy, I would love to see what you do.
I thought of the old song "Thank heaven for little girls" and realised a lot of little girls (and boys) should 'thank heaven' for their dads every day. This is my tribute to those fathers who get a little forgotten sometimes! Enjoy and please send me a copy, I would love to see what you do.
http://www.4shared.com/file/110580719/a01f1df/GLO_Fathers_who_QP_freebie.html LINK EXPIRED
8 May 2009
Send S.B.O.B. message around the world (freebie)

I decided I should be brave enough to start saying NO to the worlds gamblers being bailed out with tax payers money. It seems every week taxes are being raised from every source possible, mostly from the working class who have no voice in the corridors of power.
In my humble opinion our politicians haven't a clue about how to solve this disaster, even worse they are taking advice from 'economists' who must have been on holiday when all the world's money was sucked into a black hole in space. Where has it gone? Who has it?
None of the professional wheelers and dealers have answered the question, but a lot of them have just slithered off into the ether. No explanations required, they have been let off with a scolding my granny would scoff at.
Meanwhile our leaders take our children's heritage and pass it on to the same people who 'lost' the money in the first place, no doubt keeping their fingers crossed that it will work this time. More and more money is being poured into a useless system that has failed. Would all these billions not be better spent in projects that create jobs? I have only one voice but I hope some of you will agree and put S.B.O.B. on your blogs, email to friends and family etc. we can send awards and caterpillars around the globe, lets try it with S.B.O.B. I have uploaded as a jpeg for you to add to your blog or emails CODE: http://www.4shared.com/file/104103141/fc9173ae/SBOBjpg.html LINK EXPIRED
11 Apr 2009
This is the second Easter QP that I promised,

Same lo but with more girly colours and the little flowers, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and take loads of pictures. These are precious times with your "little Bunnies", boys and girls as they grow up so fast, the memories will be wonderful both for you and them. Grannies, get snapping too, sometimes we oldies 'see' from a different perspective and the resulting photos are a different slant on life.

Same lo but with more girly colours and the little flowers, I hope you all have a wonderful Easter holiday and take loads of pictures. These are precious times with your "little Bunnies", boys and girls as they grow up so fast, the memories will be wonderful both for you and them. Grannies, get snapping too, sometimes we oldies 'see' from a different perspective and the resulting photos are a different slant on life.
I decided this year not to indulge in a chocolate egg, when I heard on the news that in Ireland there will be 14 tons of chocolate/eggs consumed over Easter!!! This is a small country of just over 4 million people - I'm not even going to try working out how much each. Anyway I'm already trying to lose the flab gained from my Mother's day chocs. so this year I'm going to be GOOD. here is the link: http://www.4shared.com/file/95326603/5836e5e3/GLO_Easterbunnygirl_QP.html LINK EXPIRED
6 Apr 2009
My New Freebie Qp "Easter Bunny Boy"
First one for the little boys - soft & sweet but keeping to stronger colours. I always find 'boy' stuff is either wishy washy or full of nuts and bolts! I know the children's old rhyme tells us that boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dog tails but that doesn't mean they can't be the sweetest little terrors as well. If you know what I mean!
here is the Link
http://www.4shared.com/file/95325176/70e73ec0/GLO_EasterBunnyBoy_QP.html LINK EXPIRED
27 Mar 2009
This is a LO done with my new "softy stripe" papers,
22 Mar 2009
Congratulations to all the wonderful 'Mighty Men'
Who won the Six Nations GRAND SLAM 2009 yesterday in Wales. They have lifted the spirits of everyone in this small country throughout the weeks of the tournament. I thought I was going to have a heart attack yesterday when it came down to the last two minutes and Wales were awarded a penalty. You could hear a pin drop in the stadium as the thousands of supporters held their breath and then the huge roar as the Welsh ball dropped short !
Who won the Six Nations GRAND SLAM 2009 yesterday in Wales. They have lifted the spirits of everyone in this small country throughout the weeks of the tournament. I thought I was going to have a heart attack yesterday when it came down to the last two minutes and Wales were awarded a penalty. You could hear a pin drop in the stadium as the thousands of supporters held their breath and then the huge roar as the Welsh ball dropped short !
The celebrations are ongoing as I write this with a huge homecoming party in Dublin this evening and further events around the country as every fan of this fantastic bunch of young men are bursting to show their appreciation. Paul O'Connell was outstanding along with Brian O'Driscoll, Ronan O'Gara, Peter Stringer and Tommy Bowe. They happen to be my favourites but every man on the team contributed to the win which we have waited 61 years for! last word has to be for the manager Declan Kidney who has done us all proud, long may it continue.
21 Mar 2009

Sue in Australia has been very busy and these are two new layouts she has done with my St. Patrick's Day QP Freebie . Beautiful work Sue and thanks a lot for sending them.
This is a great advertisement for Ireland Sue, I love the way the large picture has been blended into the background.
13 Mar 2009

10 Mar 2009
This is my St. Patrick's Day gift to you.
As you can see there are no big leprechauns, sparkly CLOVER or rainbows with pots of gold at the end! I know millions around the world will be wearing the wigs and big hats and good luck to them, I hope they have a great time, anything to lighten the mood at this dreadful time.
For myself, this QP represents how I like to see St. Patrick's day represented - with dignity.
I hope you enjoy yourselves though and I think this QP will be perfect for new - or old pictures. Amazingly, In the last American Census around 50 million citizens claimed to have Irish connections, how wonderful is that! SO.... there must be millions of photos just waiting to be presented, I would be delighted to see some of your LO's. Link below.
4 Mar 2009
Here is a freebie for Mother's Day,
It has been over five months since I posted so what better event could I choose than this. The last months have been traumatic for me as my beloved hubby was very ill. Things are starting to look better now though and positive thinking is helping us to cope. I want to thank all of you (you know who you are) who kept in touch and sent me lovely emails, cheery notes and lo's to keep me smiling. I won't forget. I will have a St. Patrick's Day Freebie for you in a few days so pop over again and leave a hug.
It has been over five months since I posted so what better event could I choose than this. The last months have been traumatic for me as my beloved hubby was very ill. Things are starting to look better now though and positive thinking is helping us to cope. I want to thank all of you (you know who you are) who kept in touch and sent me lovely emails, cheery notes and lo's to keep me smiling. I won't forget. I will have a St. Patrick's Day Freebie for you in a few days so pop over again and leave a hug.
Download link below.
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