Sunday is Mother's day, unfortunately like every other 'special' day it is being commercialised to a degree that insults the original idea. I believe most mothers would be happy to have a visit from their children, or a card, if distance makes visiting impossible. Instead, for weeks on end we are bombarded with TV ad's, radio and newspaper ad's. Competitions to win a holiday for your mother, spa treatment, weekend in a hotel, makeover (who wants their mother made over?) Worst of all are the shop windows, displaying every bit of 'tack' that they think gullible children will buy. However, they forget it's not all about money.
When I was 9 years old I went to the corner shop on our street with twelve pennies that I had saved. I studied everything on the shelves asking prices and adding up in my head, before I decided what to buy my mother for Mother's day. A box of Rowentrees Fruit Gums! She loved them! I had two pennies left, I asked the shopkeeper what I could get for that, adding that it was for my mother. She suggested a pack of hair clips. I agreed and the sale was made. She wrapped up my gift and put a little string bow on it. (when I got home I tied one of my hair ribbons on as well). Mothers day arrived and I couldn't wait to give my present. I hid it behind my back and crept down the stairs. My older sister was there before me, my mother was opening her present. A big box of Cadbury's Black Magic chocolates! I felt my face going red and tried to back up the stairs but I had been spotted. My sister, mother, granny and granda were waiting for me so I handed over my little box. Looking at the floor I could hear the ribbon and the string bow being opened, then the brown paper rustling as the gift was revealed. I heard my sister giggle, but when I looked up, my mother was smiling at me, she said they were the best presents she ever got. My granda had something in his eye and my granny said the clips were just what was needed and she hoped she could borrow a few. Happiness enveloped me! it was
A Mother's day I will never forget.
I am really happy with this LO. The picture is of my beautiful mother Maureen and me. I use it often. The look on her face will always
take my breath away.